Behind the Helmet

Behind the Helmet

It is almost Halloween. Halloween, a time when we express admiration for our heroes by wearing costumes that look like them. Children in my neighborhood often dress as space characters, robots, and (my personal favorite) astronauts. Of course, the littlest astronauts...

Isolation , Loss, Grieving &  Strategies to Cope

Isolation , Loss, Grieving & Strategies to Cope

Alone.  Another deep breath. My glasses fog again. A tear headache follows. Focus: How long has it been? Not long. Not according to the calendar. Everyone is doing okay, I’m sure. Me? ‘Yes, all good,’ I practice just in case. The cell phone rings. I reach out --...

Why We Go to Space

Why We Go to Space

[image credit: NASA] When we see our home from space, we love it all the more, and want to take care of it.  In space we get perspective. We need to leave home and look back at it.  Then we know how precious it is.