Tomorrow Has Landed
THE POWER OF IMAGINATION I have never forgotten my first sight of Tomorrowland. I was six and at Disneyland and feeling the power of the magic. Exploring all the Lands of Disney was like drifting from dream-to-dream and seeing a fairy flying here, haunted by a ticking crocodile there, and everywhere familiar movie tunes played […]
Gravity Games has taken flight!
Greetings! I’m excited to update you on the project I’ve been leading this past year. I’m proud to say that on March 22nd Gravity Games hitched a ride on a rocket from Cape Canaveral to the International Space Station (ISS)! As many of you may know I created Gravity Games for Made In Space, developer of the […]
Tell me a Story….
We are in love with stories. Everyday of our lives, we are in the process of telling them, watching them, reading them, playing them, using words and visuals to convey what has been part of our past or what may be part of our tomorrows. Star Trek is a timeless collection of stories. The decades […]
Space Games is Now Destined for the International Space Station, March 22, 2016
The Space Games Challenge, a watershed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program has been created as a pre-college students space dream where students game inventions will be printed on a Made In Space, Inc. zero-gravity 3-D printer aboard the International Space Station (ISS), then ‘played’ by ISS astronauts. In late 2015, Made In Space […]
What Would You Take — for the Team?
‘Teamwork makes the dream work in spaceflight”, said astronaut Mark Kelly, who learned this from someone smart. “And spaceflight is the biggest team sport there is,” he added. Mark’s long ride has also brought us closer to the dream of long duration space flight. As Kelly completed his year in space aboard the International Space […]
How do Your Ideas ‘Happen?’
Intuition – Cosmic Whispers – and What’s Next Intuition is defined as a sixth sense, a voice that points to what we know as ‘something’, and a deeper wisdom that eludes definition. Intuition brings insight, creates choices, and changes lives. Are you intuitive? Here are some signs that you are, according to the Huffington Post, […]
Telling Time
The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a time lapse, a moment of indeterminate time, the right or opportune moment, in which everything happens. When I was starting out, in my first big corporate ‘dream’ job that made others envious, I had yet to realize I was […]
The Most Common Regret — but you don’t have to make it yours
The New Year is almost here, a time for making promises. But resolutions that sound so seriously possible, especially when combined with champagne: “This year I’m going to…and I really mean it this time…”, are usually short-lived. Promises, Promises * 8% of resolutions stick * Among the Top 10 for 2015: enjoy life to […]
“What You Think You Cannot Do” – Living Outside the Comfort Zone
When did you last take a chance? Make a change? Take a risk? Step out of your own comfort zone with just one small step? Eleanor Roosevelt once remarked when asked about fear and courage: “The danger lies in refusing to face the fear, in not daring to come to grips with it. If you […]