FAA Recognizes MJ Marggraff

From the Aviation Business Gazette:   FAA recognizes Mary Jo Marggraff Lafayette-based pilot sets positive example The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is recognizing Mary Jo Marggraff with inclusion in the prestigious FAA Airmen Certification Database. The...

More from HI-SEAS

The dome and my correspondence with the Astronauts inside: I am communicating with Zak, who is halfway through his mission with HI-SEAS -3. The ways in which the crew of 6 inside manage their decisions on priorities of tasks and resources will help future long-term...

Tips from Space — Feb. 20, 2015

  Mount Diablo Pilots Association: Tips from Space — Feb. 20, 2015 This was a lot of fun. Right outside was the airfield where I had first soloed in 2004. The sky was clear (pilots have a habit of looking up) and the control tower had its night-time beacon...

Entering “The Beast”

My classmates and I before we enter “The Beast” behind us. This centrifuge is the world’s best to simulate leaving Earth’s gravity hold–making the weight of Mach 3.5 acceleration feel up to 5 times the weight of my body. Once in the...

Almost Mars

Adventures of a Simulated Astronaut —the view on Mauna Loa of the HI-SEAS, the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation – to continue until May 2015 How do six researchers live inside a dome for eight months and still get along?! Their answers can help us...